Board of Library Trustees Minutes
Tuesday, February 16, 2016, 7 pm

Present: Trustees Joan Grady, Dan Hall, Eileen MacDougall, Jim Lemay, Library Director Christina Stewart, Administrative Assistant Gloria Corcoran

Absent: Jeff Nussbaum, Don Pearson

The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm

Mrs. Stewart explained that the Town Clerk Sharon George notified her that the February 16 meeting agenda was not received in time for posting by the legal deadline. She advised Mrs. Stewart that no votes be taken by the Trustees at the meeting due to this circumstance.

Trustees reviewed the minutes of the January 19th meeting, the January Financial and Statistical reports.

Library Director’s Report

Survey feedback has been very positive about the new website that went live on February 1. The Wilmington Advocate did a front page article about the library’s new website on January 28.

Mrs. Stewart reported that her presentation and meeting with the Finance Committee on February 11 went well. She has the opportunity to give a tour to some members of the Finance Committee.

New study tables and chairs in the quiet area have been installed. Positive feedback from patrons has been noted on social media.

The Community Resources Round Table met February 3. Attendees agreed that sharing information about each organization’s activities is mutually beneficial.

Patrons who use the library regularly, especially those who have verbally expressed positive comments about the library, will be invited to become library ambassadors.   They will be asked to talk to friends and family about the library and why it is important to them. We plan to launch this initiative during National Library Week April 10- April 16.   Library Ambassadors will be invited to an orientation meeting on March 30. The presentation will include information on WML and on the shift in the ways that libraries are serving their communities. Mrs. Stewart asked all Library Trustees to become Library Ambassadors.

Mrs. Stewart and Don Pearson plan to attend the Legislative Breakfast at the Chelmsford Library on February 26.   A second Legislative Breakfast will be held on March 11 at the Middleton Pubic Library if any trustees would like to attend.

The Friends of the Library Annual Meeting is March 24 at 7 pm. Trustees are encouraged to attend.

New Business

Updated Circulation Policy – was discussed.  A formal vote will be taken at the March meeting.

Trustees Comments

Joan Grady acknowledged Youth Services Librarian Barbara Raab for her assistance in finding books for her sister to read to her grandson in his kindergarten class.

Motion to adjourn was made by Eileen MacDougall at 8:05 seconded by Jim Lemay.

Next meeting:     March 15, 7 pm, Banda Room, Library

Submitted by,

Gloria Corcoran
Administrative Assistant

Distributed at meeting: Library Statistics, Monthly Budget Report


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