The Wilmington Memorial Library must manage its space and resources in way that best serves the needs of all users. The library is committed to providing quiet study space on the first floor, making its meeting rooms available for library programs and community groups and providing a welcoming place for teens after school. Consequently, space and times for tutoring must be limited to the following:
School Year: Monday and Wednesday, 3 pm -6 pm, Banda Room
Summer: Wednesday 9 am- 12 pm, Banda Room
Year Round: Monday-Thursday, 5 pm -9 pm, Children’s Room
*Please note that Wilmington High School Honor students are permitted to tutor in the Teen Zone after checking in with the librarian.
Other Tutoring Options
The Banda Room may be used for tutoring on a first come first served basis when the room is available. Please note that this room is often booked for library programs and meetings. If the Banda Room is unavailable, tutors may tutor on the stairwell landings where there are tables and chairs.
- The Banda Room can accommodate up to six tutors with a student.
- The Library does not sponsor, recommend or assume liability or responsibility for the work and/or activities of tutors who use the library space.
- Tutors are responsible for the behavior of students being tutored.
- Parents /tutor conferences should not take place in the hallway.
- Food is not permitted in the Banda Room.
Approved by the Board of Library Trustees, November 16, 2010.
Updated February 2013; April 2017