Episode 1- History of Computers

Q: What is Moore’s Law?

  1. Processing power of computers will double every 2 years.
  2. Processing power of computers will force you to replace it every 2 years.
  3. Every 2 years another step will be taken towards the robot apocalypse.

Episode 2- Cyber Vocab

Q: What does hitting the ctrl and the Z keys do?

  1. Copies the last action you did.
  2. Undoes the last action you did.
  3. Calls the Zoo.

Episode 3- Buying Guide

Q: Which is faster a computer with a Hard Disk Drive (HDD) or a Solid State Drive (SSD)?

Episode 4- Digital Library

Q: What is the technology that prevents multiple people from checking out a copy of a digital eBook file?

  1. Digital Rules Monitor
  2. Doesn’t Really Matter
  3. Digital Rights Management

Episode 5- Smartphones

Q: Which wireless connection are you charged for usage?

  1. Wi-Fi
  2. Data
  3. Both

Episode 6- Internet of Things

Q: What was the change on The Mass Pike that was a prime example of one of the dangers of the Internet of Things?

  1. It’s expensive!
  2. Traffic
  3. It can put people out of jobs.

Episode 7- Digital Security

Q: What’s the icon in your address bar that tells you whether or not you’re using a secure connection?

  1. A Lock
  2. A Skull and Crossbones
  3. A Checkmark

Episode 8- Q & A (from listeners)

Q: What is a Whitelist

  1. A list with only diary products
  2. A list that tells which sites are allowed to show you their content
  3. A list that tells which sites are not allowed to show you their content

Episode 9- Fall Cleanup

Q: What is (an oversimplification definition of ) The Cloud

  1. Remote Storage
  2. Remote Control
  3. Storage Control

Episode 10- Charlotte Wood

Q: According to Charlotte, communication with friends started with writing letters moved to writing emails then to texting, and now it’s what?

  1. Playing Games on Your Phone
  2. Telepathy
  3. Facebooking

Episode 11- Tina Stewart

Q: What does traditional library services and the new tech help service have in common?

  1. They both focus not on giving the answer to the question but show them how to get the answer themselves
  2. They both focus on getting the patron to use our services more
  3. They both have phrases that start with the letter “T”

Episode 12- Net Neutrality and The Dark Web

Q: What percentage of all sites on the web can search engines, like Google, find?

  1. About 100%
  2. About 5%
  3. About 54%

Episode 13- Crypto-Currency

Q: Why are there are only going to be 21 million bitcoins created?

  1. Because of the mathematical problems that are needed to be solved to verify a transactions
  2. Because I said so
  3. Because of the amount of energy needed to solve the transactions

Episode 14- Memes and Gifs

Q: What was the original purpose of a gif?

  1. To spark a debate on how it should be pronounced
  2. To be the first cross-platform image format
  3. To introduce animation to the web

Episode 15- Dan Stewart

Q: What was the cause of Dan’s fear of losing stuff on his computer?

  1. Because old computers didn’t have any RAM
  2. Thieves
  3. Because old computers didn’t have GUIs

Episode 16- Social Media (w/Scott)

Q: Twitter (and all Social Media) is free but what might change that?

  1. Taxes
  2. The AT&T/Time Warner Merger
  3. Net Neutrality

Episode 17- Podcasting (w/Jen)

Q: What were the two main reasons podcasting technology was created?

  1. On-demand schedule and no FCC oversight.
  2. Money and Power
  3. On-demand schedule and money

Episode 18- Co-Using

Q: Why is Bluetooth technology like gif technology?

  1. They both have names that make people cringe
  2. They both were created to work no matter what hardware/software is being used
  3. They both are wireless technology

Episode 19- E-squared: Extensions and Errors

Q: What does an HTTP 404 Error mean?

  1. The 404th process that your computer is running has disconnected you from the Internet
  2. The webpage that you’re looking for has been deleted or moved by the website owner
  3. The webpage has locked up your CPU

Episode 20- Dealer’s Choice

Q: What has been your favorite episode we’ve done?

Episode 1- History of Computers

Q: What is Moore’s Law?

A: Processing power of computers will double every 2 years.

Episode 2- Cyber Vocab

Q: What does hitting the ctrl and the Z keys do?

A: Undoes the last action you did.

Episode 3- Buying Guide

Q: Which is faster a computer with a Hard Disk Drive (HDD) or a Solid State Drive (SSD)?


Episode 4- Digital Library

Q: What is the technology that prevents multiple people from checking out a copy of a digital eBook file?

A:Digital Rights Management

Episode 5- Smartphones

Q: Which wireless connection are you charged for usage?

A: Data

Episode 6- Internet of Things

Q: What was the change on The Mass Pike that was a prime example of one of the dangers of the Internet of Things?

A: It can put people out of jobs.

Episode 7- Digital Security

Q: What’s the icon in your address bar that tells you whether or not you’re using a secure connection?

A: A Lock

Episode 8- Q & A (from listeners)

Q: What is a Whitelist

A: A list that tells which sites are allowed to show you their content

Episode 9- Fall Cleanup

Q: What is (an oversimplification definition of ) The Cloud

A: Remote Storage

Episode 10- Charlotte Wood

Q: According to Charlotte, communication with friends started with writing letters moved to writing emails then to texting, and now it’s what?

A: Playing Games on Your Phone

Episode 11- Tina Stewart

Q: What does traditional library services and the new tech help service have in common?

A: They both focus not on giving the answer to the question but show them how to get the answer themselves

Episode 12- Net Neutrality and The Dark Web

Q: What percentage of all sites on the web can search engines, like Google, find?

A: About 5%

Episode 13- Crypto-Currency

Q: Why are there are only going to be 21 million bitcoins created?

A: Because of the mathematical problems that are needed to be solved to verify a transactions

Episode 14- Memes and Gifs

Q: What was the original purpose of a gif?

A: To be the first cross-platform image format

Episode 15- Dan Stewart

Q: What was the cause of Dan’s fear of losing stuff on his computer?

A: Because old computers didn’t have any RAM

Episode 16- Social Media (w/Scott)

Q: Twitter (and all Social Media) is free but what might change that?

A: Net Neutrality

Episode 17- Podcasting (w/Jen)

Q: What were the two main reasons podcasting technology was created?

A: On-demand schedule and no FCC oversight.

Episode 18- Co-Using

Q: Why is Bluetooth technology like gif technology?

A: They both were created to work no matter what hardware/software is being used

Episode 19- E-squared: Extensions and Errors

Q: What does an HTTP 404 Error mean?

A: The webpage that you’re looking for has been deleted or moved by the website owner

Episode 20- Dealer’s Choice

Q: : What has been your favorite episode we’ve done?

ALisa- #1!

Brad- Net Neutrality and The Dark Web

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