Episode 1- History of Computers
Q: What is Moore’s Law?
- Processing power of computers will double every 2 years.
- Processing power of computers will force you to replace it every 2 years.
- Every 2 years another step will be taken towards the robot apocalypse.
Episode 2- Cyber Vocab
Q: What does hitting the ctrl and the Z keys do?
- Copies the last action you did.
- Undoes the last action you did.
- Calls the Zoo.
Episode 3- Buying Guide
Q: Which is faster a computer with a Hard Disk Drive (HDD) or a Solid State Drive (SSD)?
Episode 4- Digital Library
Q: What is the technology that prevents multiple people from checking out a copy of a digital eBook file?
- Digital Rules Monitor
- Doesn’t Really Matter
- Digital Rights Management
Episode 5- Smartphones
Q: Which wireless connection are you charged for usage?
- Wi-Fi
- Data
- Both
Episode 6- Internet of Things
Q: What was the change on The Mass Pike that was a prime example of one of the dangers of the Internet of Things?
- It’s expensive!
- Traffic
- It can put people out of jobs.
Episode 7- Digital Security
Q: What’s the icon in your address bar that tells you whether or not you’re using a secure connection?
- A Lock
- A Skull and Crossbones
- A Checkmark
Episode 8- Q & A (from listeners)
Q: What is a Whitelist
- A list with only diary products
- A list that tells which sites are allowed to show you their content
- A list that tells which sites are not allowed to show you their content
Episode 9- Fall Cleanup
Q: What is (an oversimplification definition of ) The Cloud
- Remote Storage
- Remote Control
- Storage Control
Episode 10- Charlotte Wood
Q: According to Charlotte, communication with friends started with writing letters moved to writing emails then to texting, and now it’s what?
- Playing Games on Your Phone
- Telepathy
- Facebooking
Episode 11- Tina Stewart
Q: What does traditional library services and the new tech help service have in common?
- They both focus not on giving the answer to the question but show them how to get the answer themselves
- They both focus on getting the patron to use our services more
- They both have phrases that start with the letter “T”
Episode 12- Net Neutrality and The Dark Web
Q: What percentage of all sites on the web can search engines, like Google, find?
- About 100%
- About 5%
- About 54%
Episode 13- Crypto-Currency
Q: Why are there are only going to be 21 million bitcoins created?
- Because of the mathematical problems that are needed to be solved to verify a transactions
- Because I said so
- Because of the amount of energy needed to solve the transactions
Episode 14- Memes and Gifs
Q: What was the original purpose of a gif?
- To spark a debate on how it should be pronounced
- To be the first cross-platform image format
- To introduce animation to the web
Episode 15- Dan Stewart
Q: What was the cause of Dan’s fear of losing stuff on his computer?
- Because old computers didn’t have any RAM
- Thieves
- Because old computers didn’t have GUIs
Episode 16- Social Media (w/Scott)
Q: Twitter (and all Social Media) is free but what might change that?
- Taxes
- The AT&T/Time Warner Merger
- Net Neutrality
Episode 17- Podcasting (w/Jen)
Q: What were the two main reasons podcasting technology was created?
- On-demand schedule and no FCC oversight.
- Money and Power
- On-demand schedule and money
Episode 18- Co-Using
Q: Why is Bluetooth technology like gif technology?
- They both have names that make people cringe
- They both were created to work no matter what hardware/software is being used
- They both are wireless technology
Episode 19- E-squared: Extensions and Errors
Q: What does an HTTP 404 Error mean?
- The 404th process that your computer is running has disconnected you from the Internet
- The webpage that you’re looking for has been deleted or moved by the website owner
- The webpage has locked up your CPU
Episode 20- Dealer’s Choice
Q: What has been your favorite episode we’ve done?
Episode 1- History of Computers
Q: What is Moore’s Law?
A: Processing power of computers will double every 2 years.
Episode 2- Cyber Vocab
Q: What does hitting the ctrl and the Z keys do?
A: Undoes the last action you did.
Episode 3- Buying Guide
Q: Which is faster a computer with a Hard Disk Drive (HDD) or a Solid State Drive (SSD)?
Episode 4- Digital Library
Q: What is the technology that prevents multiple people from checking out a copy of a digital eBook file?
A:Digital Rights Management
Episode 5- Smartphones
Q: Which wireless connection are you charged for usage?
A: Data
Episode 6- Internet of Things
Q: What was the change on The Mass Pike that was a prime example of one of the dangers of the Internet of Things?
A: It can put people out of jobs.
Episode 7- Digital Security
Q: What’s the icon in your address bar that tells you whether or not you’re using a secure connection?
A: A Lock
Episode 8- Q & A (from listeners)
Q: What is a Whitelist
A: A list that tells which sites are allowed to show you their content
Episode 9- Fall Cleanup
Q: What is (an oversimplification definition of ) The Cloud
A: Remote Storage
Episode 10- Charlotte Wood
Q: According to Charlotte, communication with friends started with writing letters moved to writing emails then to texting, and now it’s what?
A: Playing Games on Your Phone
Episode 11- Tina Stewart
Q: What does traditional library services and the new tech help service have in common?
A: They both focus not on giving the answer to the question but show them how to get the answer themselves
Episode 12- Net Neutrality and The Dark Web
Q: What percentage of all sites on the web can search engines, like Google, find?
A: About 5%
Episode 13- Crypto-Currency
Q: Why are there are only going to be 21 million bitcoins created?
A: Because of the mathematical problems that are needed to be solved to verify a transactions
Episode 14- Memes and Gifs
Q: What was the original purpose of a gif?
A: To be the first cross-platform image format
Episode 15- Dan Stewart
Q: What was the cause of Dan’s fear of losing stuff on his computer?
A: Because old computers didn’t have any RAM
Episode 16- Social Media (w/Scott)
Q: Twitter (and all Social Media) is free but what might change that?
A: Net Neutrality
Episode 17- Podcasting (w/Jen)
Q: What were the two main reasons podcasting technology was created?
A: On-demand schedule and no FCC oversight.
Episode 18- Co-Using
Q: Why is Bluetooth technology like gif technology?
A: They both were created to work no matter what hardware/software is being used
Episode 19- E-squared: Extensions and Errors
Q: What does an HTTP 404 Error mean?
A: The webpage that you’re looking for has been deleted or moved by the website owner
Episode 20- Dealer’s Choice
Q: : What has been your favorite episode we’ve done?
ALisa- #1!
Brad- Net Neutrality and The Dark Web