Board of Library Trustees Minutes
Tuesday, March 15, 2016, 6 pm

Present: Trustees Joan Grady, Eileen MacDougall, Jim Lemay, Jeff Nussbaum, Library Director Christina Stewart, Administrative Assistant Gloria Corcoran

Absent: Dan Hall

The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm

A motion to accept the minutes from January 19 2016 was made  by Eileen MacDougall, seconded by Joan Grady with Jim Lemay abstaining; motion passed.

A motion to accept the minutes of February 16, 2016 was made by Jim Lemay, seconded by Eileen MacDougall with Jeff Nussbaum and Don Pearson abstaining; motion passed.

A motion to approve the Financial Report for  February 2016 was made by Jeff Nussbaum, seconded by Jim Lemay; motion passed

Library Director’s Report

Mrs. Stewart highlighted some February programs including the Kids Talent Show and Trivia Night. She noted that Peter Cain, a local artist, has found artists in area towns who are interested in displaying their art work at the library. Don Pearson and Tina Stewart attended the Legislative Breakfast at the Chelmsford Public Library on February 26. Mrs. Stewart explained the importance of contacting our local legislators when the amendments to the state budget are filed asking for an increase in library funding. The library now has a subscription to The New York Times digital edition. Patrons with a Wilmington library card can read the daily newspaper by going to the “downloads” page on the library’s website.

Mrs. Stewart highlighted upcoming spring events:

  • Friends of the Library Annual Meeting – Thursday, March 24, 7 pm Trustees are encouraged to attend.
  • Library Ambassador Meeting – March 30, 7 pm
  • Annual Poetry Contest
    The library will sponsor its 19th Annual Poetry Contest. The theme this year is “Community.” The judges are Fire Chief Rick McClellan, Terri Marciello, and Kim Rowley.
  • Welcome to Wilmington Reception – Monday, May 2, 6:30
  • Town Wide Yard Sale – Saturday, June 11, 8 am – 2 pm

New Business

Eileen MacDougall made a motion to approve the updated Circulation Policy; seconded by Don Pearson; motion passed unanimously.

Motion to adjourn was made at 7:05 pm by Eileen MacDougall, seconded by Don Pearson.

Next meeting:    April 19, 7 pm, Banda Room, Library

Submitted by,

Gloria Corcoran

Administrative Assistant

Distributed at meeting:  Library Statistics, Monthly Budget Report

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