On This Page
We’ve gathered a wide variety of organizations that help server the residents of Wilmington in a wide variety of ways.

Angels in Motion (AIM)
While the original purpose of AIM was to serve the physically challenged in Wilmington and surrounding towns, we also now provide an opportunity for anyone who would like to make new friends or reacquaint with old friends. Attendees enjoy playing cards, board games or just socializing. Luncheon is served at noon. There are no fees. We meet at the Knights of Columbus Hall which is handicap accessible. The meetings are currently on hold due to COVID-19.
For more information, contact Ann St. Onge at 978-658-5036.
Friends of the Wilmington Memorial Library
The mission of the Friends of the Library is to promote public awareness of the library and to provide financial support for services and programs beyond the town’s budget.
Friendship Lodge
The Friendship Lodge provides a variety of services including assistance to Veterans and those in need of handicapped/hospital equipment.
Harnden Tavern
The Wilmington Town Museum at the Col. Joshua Harnden Tavern is owned by the town of Wilmington, Massachusetts and is dedicated to preserving and presenting the history of the town of Wilmington. Harnden Tavern
Kiwanis Club of Wilmington
Wilmington Kiwanis Club (#K06224) meets at Rocco’s Restaurant, on Main St at 7:00 PM on Mondays.
Kiwanis Club of Wilmington Massachusetts Inc
Po Box 263
Wilmington, MA 01887
Middlesex Canal Association
The Middlesex Canal Association is dedicated to the restoration and preservation of the historic Middlesex Canal.
Rotary Club of Wilmington
The object of Rotary is to “encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise” The Rotary Club of Wilmington meets weekly on Wednesdays for fellowship, lunch, and an informative and interesting presentation from a guest speaker.
Sarah Carter D. J. Lecture Fund Committee
The Sarah D. J. Lecture Fund was established as the result of a monetary bequest to the Town by Sarah D. J. Carter for the purpose of maintaining courses or lectures for the benefit of the people of Wilmington. The Sarah D. J. Lecture Fund Committee selects programs, engages speakers and concerts and manages the financial affairs of the fund.
Tewksbury/Wilmington Elks Lodge #2070
A unique social club of local community members promoting charity, justice, brotherly love & fidelity.
Wilmington/Tewksbury Chamber of Commerce
A non-profit, non-partisan organization of businesses and professionals comprised of approximately 200 business owners and civic leaders who are dedicated to promoting the general business interest and the civic, economic, and social welfare of the citizens of Wilmington and Tewksbury. They support local businesses by providing corporate visibility via networking events, partnerships, advertising & marketing programs, and sponsorship opportunities.
Wilmington Community Fund
Provides direct relief to Wilmington families, individuals, elderly and children; providing support for heat, utilities, emergency assistance and medical relief; supplies on a bi-weekly basis at the Wilmington Food Pantry; provide holiday gifts for Wilmington children and families in need; and a scholarship program.
Wilmington Community Television (WCTV)
WCTV is the non-profit community media center serving the Town of Wilmington. Programming includes meetings, community & school events, and member-produced content. Watch on WCTV’s three TV channels or online.
Wilmington Farmer’s Market
The Wilmington Farmers Market Association is a group of volunteers dedicated to bringing a farmers market to our town every summer. The Wilmington Farmers Market is located on the Swain Green from June through September across from the Town Common at 140 Middlesex Ave. in Wilmington, Mass.
Wilmington Fourth of July Committee
The 4th of July Committee was formed in 1982 after serving as the Town’s 250th Anniversary Committee in 1980. The 4th of July Committee is composed of a group of volunteers who plan and run the annual 4th of July celebration.
Wilmington Knights of Columbus
The Wilmington Knights of Columbus is a Catholic Men’s organization dedicated to Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. They support many organizations in Wilmington and the surrounding communities. They operate a function hall with 2 rental rooms and offer complete catered parties and weddings.
Wilmington Relay for Life
Annual fundraising event held in June for the American Cancer Society.
We’re One Wilmington
We’re One Wilmington (WOW) is a volunteer organization founded with the simple yet powerful mission of strengthening our community one good deed at a time. WOW supports other Wilmington non-profit organizations and, however possible, local individuals and families suffering from financial, emotional and/or medical hardships.
Wilmington Educational Foundation
he Wilmington Educational Foundation (WEF) is a non-profit organization committed to supporting innovation and excellence in the Wilmington Public Schools. Our goal is to enhance and increase educational opportunities for all Wilmington students by providing funds for innovative programs that are not otherwise funded through the school budget.
Wilmington Cultural Council
The Wilmington Cultural Council, a town board and agency of the Massachusetts Cultural Council, supports a variety of art programs, works of local artists, musicians, historians and collaborative proposals that bring together artists, organizations and local cultural groups for projects that serve the Wilmington community.
Wilmington Minutemen
The Wilmington Minutemen, the 7th Company of the Militia originally organized on March 9, 1775, was reactivated on October 30, 1968 by proclamation from the Town of Wilmington and receipt of a charter from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Their present day purpose is to create an awareness of colonial life by reenacting historic events.
Wilmington Sons of Italy
The Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli Lodge # 2183 is a local lodge, located in Wilmington, Massachusetts, of the Order Sons of Italy in America, the largest and oldest organization for Americans of Italian heritage.
Wilmington Substance Abuse Coalition
he mission of the Wilmington Substance Abuse Coalition is to address the rising problem of substance abuse in our community by providing prevention, education, and support, as an effort to promote healthy and responsible behavior and provide skills for better decision making as it relates to substance use.
Have a suggestion? Let us know.