The COVID-19 pandemic is an historic event in our lives.  Collecting and archiving local history is an important part of the library’s mission. To that end, WML would like to document your experience with this pandemic for future generations.  We invite you to share your thoughts and how you are coping during this unprecedented time.  Please complete the COVD-19 Digital Scrapbook form. The information you provide will be archived and may be used on social media or a future library display. Stay safe and healthy.

Click Kid Digital Scrapbook to print out a copy and have your kids record their memories. When they’re done, and if you can, scan the finished sheets and email them to to have them stored in our digital archive. If you can’t scan, bring them in to the library when we re-open and we’ll do it for you.

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Acceptable file types: doc,docx,pdf,txt,gif,jpg,jpeg,png,mp4.
Maximum file size: 10mb.
Please note that anything uploaded may be used in online or offline exhibits. File formats accepted: doc,docx,pdf,txt,gif,jpg,jpeg,png,mp4
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