The Wilmington Memorial Library strives to support community needs, such as opportunities for students to earn service hours and experience, and recognizes that teen volunteers are a valuable library resource.

  • Teen volunteer opportunities are primarily for students in grades 9-12*
  • Applicants may choose from three types of opportunities: to be a general volunteer, a Book Buddy, or a Tech Buddy
  • Teen volunteers must attend the corresponding orientation or info session before their first volunteer shift. All volunteers must reapply yearly.**

*Limited opportunities may be available for Girl or Boy Scouts in grades 6-8 needing service hours

**Teens interested in more than one type of volunteering opportunity should fill out separate applications for each type

General Volunteering

General volunteers perform a variety of tasks as needed, such as assisting at Youth Services programs, with craft preparation, folding, photocopying, shelf cleaning, and other general maintenance duties. Volunteers are notified of available tasks monthly. General volunteers must, and any teens wanting to learn more about volunteer opportunities at the library should, attend one Teen Volunteer Orientation.

Virtual Teen Volunteer Opportunities Forthcoming

Tech Buddies

The Tech Buddies program connects tech-savvy teens and members of the Wilmington community in need of help navigating their operating systems, phones, tablets, cameras, eReaders, apps, and the Cloud at hour-long, weekly drop-in sessions. Please fill out the Teen Volunteer Application if you are interested in becoming a Tech Buddy, and Brittany or Brad will respond shortly.

Book Buddies

This fun literacy program pairs a teen volunteer with a child ages 4-8 for one or two three-week sessions. Together you will read books, share a snack, and do an activity. You must attend the info session to become a Book Buddy. Book Buddies need to fill out the Teen Volunteer Application yearly, but need only attend the info session once.

New Book Buddies Sessions are in the works for Fall 2020

Fill out the WML Teen Volunteer Application here.

Please contact Brittany Tuttle, the teen services librarian, with any questions by calling 978-694-2098 or emailing

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